How to Make Your Bathroom in Amador County, CA More Water-Resistant?

by | Sep 22, 2020 | Interior Painting

How to Make Your Bathroom in Amador County, CA More Water-Resistant?

By its nature, the bathroom is a damp place. If you are remodeling your bathroom, avoiding waterproofing measures can save money upfront, but can lead to severe problems in the long run. 

A bathroom that is not waterproof has water flowing from the ceiling to the floor, deteriorating tiles, peeling paint, and mold.

To avoid these drips, leaks, and other unwanted issues, it is crucial to make your bathroom more waterproof right from the start of your remodeling project. 

In this article, we share some ways to make your bathroom more waterproof without breaking the bank; 

Good Construction and Planning

Unfortunately, the most common waterproofing mistakes occur during the construction and preparation phase. 

When undertaking a bathroom remodeling project, all surfaces must be prepared and adequately primed, with particular attention to joints between walls and floors and around drains in the floor. 

Surfaces should be smooth by removing excess dirt, grime, or particles that may have accumulated during renovation.

Homeowners could choose to install a polyester backing sheet or a waterproofing membrane in the internal corners of the shower. 

You can apply a waterproofing membrane to all surfaces (apply two coats) 

Tile floors in the bathroom

As gravity forces the water downward, any cracks in the bathroom floor could cause serious problems. 

Weeping water can quickly become dangerous, as water found inside luminaires can cause short circuits and damage electrical installations. 

Tile is a great way to keep your floors away from water and prevent water from passing through slats and making its way to the ceiling on another floor. 

If you already have tile flooring installed in your bathroom, be sure to seal the tile grout every year. 

A Barrier Against Humidity

The area behind the shower is a particularly favorable place for moisture build-up and, therefore, mold growth. 

When installed between the wall finish and insulation, waterproofed panels and gypsum will prevent leaks and mold growth. Be sure to seal your walls after insulating them.

Having a well-insulated bathroom will also keep the heat in it, especially during the colder months. 

A Waterproof Bathroom Paint

Waterproof paint is available for your bathroom. When using paint in your bathroom, it is important to choose a waterproof product to prevent serious damage.

Also, prepare the surfaces for the paint application by first coating them with a water-resistant primer.

Make sure the primer has dried completely before going ahead with the paint. 

Water-proof paints are oil-based; this way water runs off the surface instead of infiltrating. 

To use waterproof paint, the same procedure as regular paint is applied to ventilate the bathroom adequately while doing this task. 

Good Ventilation

As mentioned, the bathroom is very humid; the more air can escape from it, the more water-resistant the space will be. 


As moisture builds up on bathroom surfaces, small black spots will grow on freshly painted walls and ceilings, even when using waterproof paint. 

Mold growth is a nightmare for any homeowner as it can lead to serious health problems.

Regardless of whether or not you have a window that opens in your bathroom, we recommend installing an air extractor fan to prevent further mold growth on surfaces.

We highly recommend hiring a professional painting contractor if you are planning for a bathroom repaint, remodeling, or waterproofing.

In addition to providing high-quality and durable painting results, hiring professional contractors can help you sort out additional issues such as color, hardware, paint finish, and sheen.

Get the conversation started and make sure your cabinet refinishing project is done right by calling Michael Hines Painting at 209-256-4587 for a FREE estimate.

You can also visit our other painting company called Galt House Painter! Based on Galt, CA and still helping people with high-quality painting services.